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How to get rid of cellulite

How to reduce cellulite: 111 expert tips based on 24+ years of research and experience

LipoTherapeia® Plus: check our advanced cellulite treatment in London, based on the best anti-cellulite technologies and on more than two decades of experience and 20,000+ sessions

Our epic cellulite removal guide | 2025 Update

Welcome to our extensive how-to guide for firmer, smoother, slimmer legs, brought to you by London’s cellulite and skin tightening specialists, LipoTherapeia.

This 111-tip list and linked articles are the outcome of more than 24+ years of theoretical research and practical experience in cellulite and skin tightening, with literally thousands of people and 23,000+ treatments.

Honest, no-nonsense, science-based and straight to the point, without:

  • Shallow advice about "dry brushing"

  • Pointless clichés, such as "drink loads and loads of water"

  • Ignorant statements that “cellulite does not exist” or that “cellulite is toxins"

…which you find all over the internet and on instagram and tiktok.

Just fact-based, actionable information, tried and tested again and again over more than two decades.

Below you will find summarised all the things you can possibly do to get rid of cellulite*. More detailed information follows on the linked articles.

This guide is divided into 4 sections:

  • The first 10 top tips, relate to 🏷️ FAST cellulite reduction

  • The next 49 tips, relate to the 🏷️ ESSENTIALS of cellulite prevention and reduction

  • The next 16 tips, relate to the best 🏷️ NUTRIENTS for firm and cellulite-free skin

  • 36 tips on all the 🏷️ DON’TS of cellulite, important if you do not want to waste time, money and hopes on the wrong things

(* Despite media hype, in most cases you cannot actually get "rid" of cellulite completely, so talking about "cellulite reduction" or (partial) “cellulite removal” makes much more sense.)

How to get rid of cellulite and tighten up your skin: 10 tips for FAST results

  1. Lose the sugar, yesterday. Sugar consumption is the number one dietary cause of cellulite today 🏷️ FAST

  2. Start uphill interval running, by far the best exercise for cellulite. Interval training is the absolute best cellulite reduction exercise and uphill interval running is the best manifestation of interval training 🏷️ FAST

  3. Have a course of deep-acting, high-power radiofrequency / ultrasound cavitation treatments, ideally combined with high-power LED phototherapy. High-power, deep tissue RF and high-power ultrasound are the most effective SAFE cellulite treatments known today. High-power LED phototherapy, although not a solution for cellulite on its own, maximises the effects of RF and ultrasound, for maximum results. 🏷️ FAST

  4. Have vegetable juices / berry fruit smoothies. There is no easier way to get all your anti-cellulite nutrients all in one place than veggie juices and berry smoothies. 🏷️ FAST

  5. Have a collagen peptide, turmeric and high flavanol cocoa shake. Collagen is essential for skin firming and cellulite prevention and together with curcumin and cocoa flavanols makes a fabulous anti-cellulite drink. 🏷️ FAST

  6. Start squats on the vibration plate. This is the best non-treatment way to tighten your skin, boost circulation and lift your butt, all at the same time. 🏷️ FAST

  7. Apply a real cellulite cream, i.e. one with high concentrations of multiple, high-purity anti-cellulite actives in high concentrations. A well-designed, concentrated, quality cellulite cream can act on all seven aspects of cellulite. 🏷️ FAST

  8. Have seriously wholesome anti-cellulite meals. An ideal example is wild salmon, wakame salad, decaf sencha tea and black rice. Or, less exotically, organic salmon, broccoli, green tea and brown rice. 🏷️ FAST

  9. Have a strong, cellulite-specific massage. Strong, cellulite-specific massage is the best non-technology based cellulite treatment. 🏷️ FAST

  10. Have daily contrast showers on your buttocks, thighs and calves. This is the easiest way to boost leg circulation and whole body metabolism. 🏷️ FAST

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How to get rid of cellulite & tighten up your skin: 49 ESSENTIAL tips

  1. Learn what is cellulite and pre-cellulite and what causes them. Most of wghat you read about cellulite is wrong, so know the facts now to avoid misinformation later. 🏷️ ESSENTIALS

  2. Quit smoking. Smoking is a major cause of cellulite and fortunately it is on the decline in developing nations. Don’t belong to the last 10-30% who ruin their health - and thighs - by smoking. 🏷️ ESSENTIALS

  3. Improve your diet/nutrition, regardless of exercise (exercise is NOT enough). It doesn’t matter if you exercise a lot - if you don’t eat healthily cellulite will gradually appear, even in very fit people, so take care of your nutrition now. 🏷️ ESSENTIALS

  4. Exercise, regardless of nutrition (nutrition is NOT enough). Exercise is an essential cellulite-removal factor and the more you do, the better for your skin. 🏷️ ESSENTIALS

  5. Introduce more everyday physical activity into your daily life. This should be regardless of both nutrition or exercise, as these are NOT enough, to either maintain health or to prevent/reduce cellulite. Daily movement is essential. 🏷️ ESSENTIALS

  6. Eliminate hydrogenated oils from your life. Hydrogenated oils literally short-circuit your metabolism and cause inflammation, two things you can do without. 🏷️ ESSENTIALS

  7. Eliminate fried fats and oils from your life. Frying damages fats and oils, causing glycation, inflammation and oxidative damage, all major causes of cellulite. After sugar, fried food is the worst dietary cause of cellulite. 🏷️ ESSENTIALS

  8. Get rid of the contraceptive pill, if possible. Excess estrogen / the contraceptive pill are one of top causes of cellulite, so discuss with your GP another method of contraception and lose “the pill” now. 🏷️ ESSENTIALS

  9. Reduce alcohol and never binge drink. Alcohol is both a toxin and a source of calories, so reduce its consumption and most importantly never binge, which is a calorie / toxin bomb for your thighs. 🏷️ ESSENTIALS

  10. Fast on cellulite treatment days, if possible. This will help maximise lipolysis (fat release) specifically from the treated areas, as opposed to whole body fat reduction that occurs with normal dieting / fasting. 🏷️ ESSENTIALS

  11. Never binge eat. Binge eating is a calorie bomb for your body and some of it will definitely end up in your thighs and buttocks, gradually increasing cellulite with each bing eating session. 🏷️ ESSENTIALS

  12. Drink 2-3 litres of water (still or sparkling) a day. Drinking water (within reason) is proven to help prevent ageing, maintain regularity and boost detoxification, all important for cellulite prevention and reduction. 🏷️ ESSENTIALS

  13. Lose weight whilst you are having a course of cellulite treatments, to maximise results on the treated areas. Waiting to start your course of treatments until you “lose all the weight” will mean less pronounced results on the treated areas. 🏷️ ESSENTIALS

  14. Replace normal salt with low sodium/high potassium salt. Salt plays a role in both water retention and cellulite (plus it is not good for your heart either), while potassium has the opposite effect and tastes almost the same. 🏷️ ESSENTIALS

  15. Switch from the empty calories of white rice, bread and potatoes to fibre and polyphenol-rich black rice, the ultimate “carb” food". You can also try black/red quinoa, purple corn or purple potatoes, as alternative, super-starches. 🏷️ ESSENTIALS

  16. For a quick (albeit temporary result) have a clay body wrap - ideal for a weekend. Although clay body wraps do not do anything for permanent cellulite reduction, they do help drain water and improve the look of cellulite for up to a week 🏷️ ESSENTIALS

  17. Exercise just before and/or just after your cellulite treatment to achieve maximum results. Run, walk fast or cycle just before or after your cellulite treatment to maximise fat reduction during your cellulite treatment. 🏷️ ESSENTIALS

  18. Apply your cellulite cream just before and/or just after exercise, for maximum results. In exactly the same way exercise boosts the effectiveness of a cellulite treatment, it also boosts the effectiveness of a good cellulite cream. 🏷️ ESSENTIALS

  19. Learn to love decaf coffee / tea / green tea. Polyphenols in these humble “super drinks” are highly protective against cellulite in multiple ways 🏷️ ESSENTIALS

  20. Detoxify from the sweet taste and bin natural and artificial sweeteners together with sugar. Almost all natural and artificial sweeteners disrupt insulin production, which is totally counterproductive when you try to stabilise your appetite. 🏷️ ESSENTIALS

  21. Fall in love with veggies, salads, seaweed, herbs and spices - the ultimate anti-cellulite foods. These foods contain lots of fibre and phytochemicals and very little in the way of calories, i.e. they are ideal for smooth thighs. 🏷️ ESSENTIALS

  22. Detoxify your life from plastics, BPA and phthalates. Endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDC), found in plastics and can/tin liners, mimic estrogen and comprise a major risk factor for cellulite and whole body health, including cancer. 🏷️ ESSENTIALS

  23. Reduce your intake of omega-6 fatty acids. Most people consume too much omega-6 fatty acids (known to boost inflammation and consequently cellulite) and too little omega-3. Balance your fat intake, also taking into account omega-9. 🏷️ ESSENTIALS

  24. Avoid high temperature cooking and smoked foods: Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), heterocyclic amines (HCAs), advanced glycation-end products (AGEs) and advanced lipoxidation end-products (ALEs) all contribute to cellulite. 🏷️ ESSENTIALS

  25. Stop the crash dieting / yo-yo dieting once and for all. Some of the worst cellulite we’ve seen was in people who crash dieted repeatedly (yo-yo dieting), leading to severe skin laxity and cellulite. 🏷️ ESSENTIALS

  26. Keep away from processed, and especially ultra-processed, foods. For example, bacon, full of fat, ultra processed and laden with nitrites, sulphites and salt is not nearly the same as fresh lean pork medallions from organic, free-range meat… 🏷️ ESSENTIALS

  27. Re-consider the “champagne lifestyle” and the hedonistic, so called “good life”. Excessive food and drink, even if it is expensive, luxurious and posh still causes cellulite. Too much luxury does not just corrupt the also but also your thighs… 🏷️ ESSENTIALS

  28. Keep away from the takeaway, “just eat” culture. Restaurant food, rich in fat, salt, sugar and carbs and prepared primarily by pan frying, is a recipe for heart attack and cellulite alike. Takeaway food from questionable places is even worse. 🏷️ ESSENTIALS

  29. Give up vaping too. vaping might sound healthier than smoking, but it is only marginally so, and nicotine is still a major cause of cellulite formation. 🏷️ ESSENTIALS

  30. Boost your natural thermogenic capacity, in order to fight cellulite. Intense exercise, contrast showers and swimming in cool water all boost thermogenesis, i.e. fat burning in fat cells themselves (as opposed to muscles and organs). 🏷️ ESSENTIALS

  31. Know your glycaemic index (GI). High GI foods are some of the worse for cellulite, so know the difference between brown rice and rice crackers, pasta and toast and learn how to reduce a meal’s glycaemic index. 🏷️ ESSENTIALS

  32. Build your gluteus maximus. Glutes reduce the visual appearance of cellulite on the buttocks and the look of the whole thigh, so get obsessed with glut max exercises. 🏷️ ESSENTIALS

  33. Have some pressotherapy treatments to fight water retention, a major aspect of cellulite. Pressotherapy may not permanently reduce cellulite but it does offer temporary improvement for both water retention and cellulite. 🏷️ ESSENTIALS

  34. Increase living offline and reduce living online. iPhone, Instagram, TikTok and Facebook all keep you inactive, and sitting down is a major cause of cellulite. Go meet friends instead of messaging them, your thighs will thank you. 🏷️ ESSENTIALS

  35. Reduce your intake of dairy foods. Dairy foods can impact some people leading to constipation, bloating, digestive, immune, respiratory and other reactions. This can affect energy levels, weight, water retention and ultimately cellulite. 🏷️ ESSENTIALS

  36. Eat fruit, not fruit smoothies or juices, especially sweet ones. Smoothies and juices are not the same as whole fruits and lead to the overconsumption of sugars, which is a major cause of cellulite. 🏷️ ESSENTIALS

  37. Balance your life and reduce stress. Stress may not be as bad as doughnuts for cellulite and it may seem like an insignificant cause of cellulite but over the decades its effects add up. 🏷️ ESSENTIALS

  38. If you are going to eat carbs, do so right after an hour of intensive exercise or more. And do not eat any carbs or sweets up to two hours before exercise, as this increases insulin levels and blocks fat release from fat cells during exercise. 🏷️ ESSENTIALS

  39. Beware of the unhealthy kind of veganism. A vegan diet can only be good for you if it comprises whole vegetables, pulses, grains, nuts, seeds and fruits. Sugar, fried oils and excess carbs are all vegan, but they are unhealthy and cause cellulite. 🏷️ ESSENTIALS

  40. Be careful with a paleo diet done the wrong way too. Things like “paleo” snack bars are neither paleo not healthy, so make sure you do paleo diet properly. Honey, dates and ultra-processed protein was never part of any paleo diet… 🏷️ ESSENTIALS

  41. Be careful with ‘keto’. For most people the ketogenic diet is simply not sustainable long-term. And we all know where yo-yo dieting leads, keto or no keto: to good old cellulite. So either get in it for the long term or don’t do it at all. 🏷️ ESSENTIALS

  42. Make sure you sleep enough. Sleep deprivation lowers basal metabolism and leads to constant snacking, increased caffeine intake and quite often exhaustion. Not good for either overall health, maintaining weight or keeping away cellulite. 🏷️ ESSENTIALS

  43. Protect yourself from the skin and blood vessel damaging effects of glycation. Glycation is a major cause of cellulite, skin laxity, poor circulation and skin ageing. Learn more about glycation and how to minimise it in your body. 🏷️ ESSENTIALS

  44. Minimise free radicals in your body. Oxidative damage is a major cause of cellulite, skin ageing and overall whole body ageing. Avoid overcooked / oxidised food and boost your antioxidant intake, to help prevent cellulite. 🏷️ ESSENTIALS

  45. Learn how to protect your collagen and elastin in your body. Elastin keeps your skin elastic and collagen keeps it firm. Both are needed for quality skin and to keep your thighs smooth and firm. 🏷️ ESSENTIALS

  46. Do not get sucked into the “baking revolution”. I do not want to be a spoilsport but you did not come to this page to look for a cake recipe and I will not lie to you: baking causes cellulite. Baking = fat + carbs + sugar = pure cellulite. 🏷️ ESSENTIALS

  47. Prevent cellulite and skin looseness, instead of reducing them. Prevention is always better and cheaper than cure, so focus on preventing cellulite from your 20s onwards, rather than having to treat it in your 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s and beyond. 🏷️ ESSENTIALS

  48. Beat skin looseness to improve cellulite and vice versa. Skin laxity is an important aspect of cellulite and those two aesthetic problems have almost identical causes, so boost skin firmness to also improve cellulite. 🏷️ ESSENTIALS

  49. Avoid so-called “soul food” and “street food”. The misleading “soul food” moniker implies that junk, unhealthy, heavy, fried food (i.e. heart disease and cellulite causing food) is “soulful”, which does not do your health or thighs any favours. 🏷️ ESSENTIALS

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How to get rid of cellulite & tighten up your skin: 16 super NUTRIENTS

  1. Embrace polyphenols. Polyphenols acts on all 7 aspects of cellulite, from helping prevent oxidative damage to inhibiting fat accumulation and is the most important anti-cellulite class of nutrients. 🏷️ NUTRIENTS

  2. Love carotenoids. Carotenoids from tomatoes, red peppers, carrots, wakame seaweed, dark green leafy vegetables and watermelons help maintain firm skin, blood vessels, microcirculation and minimise cellulite. 🏷️ NUTRIENTS

  3. Go for omega-3 HUFAs. The omega-3 highly unsaturated fatty acids (HUFA) EPA & DHA, derived from oily fish, help minimise inflammation and fat accumulation and help boost circulation - ideal for cellulite prevention. 🏷️ NUTRIENTS

  4. Prefer omega-3 PUFAs. The omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) ALA, found in flaxseeds, flaxseed oil, chia seeds and walnuts, help maintain a balanced omega-3/omega-6 ratio, essential for a healthy diet and consequently cellulite. 🏷️ NUTRIENTS

  5. Feed your skin and blood vessels with citrus flavonoids. Rutin, hesperidin and quercetin, together with ascorbic acid, from citrus fruits contribute to healthier blood vessels and connective tissue, and thereby help prevent cellulite. 🏷️ NUTRIENTS

  6. Nourish your skin with chlorogenic acid. Chlorogenic acid from green coffee beans offers protection from of skin and blood vessels from damage caused by glycation and free radicals - ideal for cellulite prevention. 🏷️ NUTRIENTS

  7. Give your thighs the gift of gotu kola (centella asiatica). Centella asiatica / gotu kola is the ultimate anti-cellulite herb / active ingredient, providing full spectrum anti-cellulite protection, skin firming and circulation enhancement. 🏷️ NUTRIENTS

  8. Heal your skin with EGCG. EGCG from green tea has a strong antioxidant action, plus it supports collagen/elastin, helps inhibit fat accumulation, boosts circulation and accelerates skin healing - ideal in the fight against cellulite. 🏷️ NUTRIENTS

  9. Empty your fat cells with forskolin. Forskolin, an extract of the asian plant coleus forskohlii, is the most powerful natural lipolytic active in cellulite creams, especially in combination with caffeine. 🏷️ NUTRIENTS

  10. Fight fat tissue inflammation with curcumin. Curcumin from turmeric is an all encompassing anti-cellulite ingredient with multiple modes of action and is found in supplement form or in a very small number of quality skincare creams. 🏷️ NUTRIENTS

  11. Keep your skin and arteries elastic with cocoa flavanols. Cocoa flavanols, contained in high-antioxidant cocoa powder, are a group of important circulation-enhancing and skin-protecting molecules - perfect for the fight against cellulite. 🏷️ NUTRIENTS

  12. Boost lymphatic drainage and circulation with escin and esculin. Escin and esculin are extensively researched for their anti-oedema, blood vessel supporting and anti-cellulite action - hence their use in high-quality cellulite creams. 🏷️ NUTRIENTS

  13. Do not starve your skin of protein. Collagen/whey/vegan protein powders are essential in maintaining skin firmness and preventing cellulite, as most women simply do not consume enough protein today 🏷️ NUTRIENTS

  14. Fill - and heal - your gut with soluble fibre. Soluble fibre in chia/flax seeds is the simplest, cheapest, healthiest, tastiest, most natural way to eliminate constipation, a cause of impaired lymphatic drainage and consequently cellulite. 🏷️ NUTRIENTS

  15. Nourish your skin with hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid, the most important hydrating molecule in the human body, can help fight cellulite and keep skin healthy, as it also also involved in skin repair. 🏷️ NUTRIENTS

  16. Fall in love with cruciferous vegetables, your skin - and whole body - will thank you. Sulforaphane, found in broccoli, kale and cabbage, among other foods, has a strong antioxidant, detoxifying and even lipolytic effect - ideal for cellulite. 🏷️ NUTRIENTS

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How to get rid of cellulite & tighten up your skin: 36 myths and things to NOT DO

  1. Don’t believe anyone who promises you a “body transformation in 1-4 sessions”. For effective and long lasting cellulite reduction, even with the best technology in the world, 6-12 sessions are needed. Don’t fall for the the smooth operators. 🏷️ DON’TS

  2. Throw your body brush in the bin. Forget what consumer magazines and cellulite “experts” on the web say, dry brushing does absolutely nothing for cellulite. 🏷️ DON’TS

  3. Forget about ground coffee body scrubs for cellulite - they (obviously) don’t work. Like dry brushing, this is pure exfoliation and nothing else and of course no caffeine ever reaches your skin. 🏷️ DON’TS

  4. Enjoy your espresso, tea or green tea, caffeine does not cause cellulite. The same people who tell you to rub coffee on skin to “get rid of cellulite” also tell you that caffeine causes cellulite and that caffeine creams “cure” cellulite. Total joke... 🏷️ DON’TS

  5. Do not bother with “cellulite exercises” for specific body parts - they are a waste of time. Exercise has a global, whole body effect and cannot reduce fat or cellulite locally. Do not fall for the YouTubers, spot cellulite reduction does not exist. 🏷️ DON’TS

  6. Forget about liposuction as a cellulite reduction method - it has nothing to do with cellulite. Cellulite is hypodermal fat, i.e. fat INSIDE the skin and lipo can only remove subcutaneous fat, ie fat UNDER the skin. Totally different. 🏷️ DON’TS

  7. Beware of miracle cellulite creams with ZERO anti-cellulite active ingredients in them. For example, some of the top selling cellulite creams contains no anti-cellulite actives, so learn the facts and stop wasting money. 🏷️ DON’TS

  8. Do not believe the people who try to gaslight you by telling you that cellulite is just fat or that “it does not exist”. Cellulite is a real aesthetic condition of the hypodermis and has nothing to do with fat in the subcutaneous tissue. 🏷️ DON’TS

  9. Cellulite is not just a connective tissue problem. You don’t have the wrong kind of “septa” and no, cellulite will not disappear with a vacuum rolling massage, that’s really naive. Cellulite is fat, inflammation, water retention, skin laxity, in addition to a connective tissue problem. 🏷️ DON’TS

  10. Sure, love your body. And accept your overweight and cellulite, but love them? Why love something that causes water retention, inflammation or even heart disease. Accept your body but don’t be made to feel guilty if you wish to improve it. 🏷️ DON’TS

  11. Steer away from cellulite surgery. Cellulite surgery is not what it is claimed to be and quite often it causes more problems than it solves, not just limited to fibrosis. If I had cellulite I would never have cellulite surgery. 🏷️ DON’TS

  12. There is no machine that can give you a “bubble butt”, don’t fall for the fraudsters. Treatments like RF and cavitation reduce cellulite but they cannot add volume to your butt. That is only possible with BBL - or fillers (not a great idea, but still). 🏷️ DON’TS

  13. “Cellulite is genetic, there is nothing you can do about it”. How totally wrong is this? Even the most genetically gifted women can develop cellulite and even the most prone to cellulite women can avoid it with healthy nutrition and exercise. 🏷️ DON’TS

  14. For fast cellulite reduction, diet and exercise is never enough, an intensive treatment and/or a concentrated cream are necessary. Diet and exercise remain essential to support the work of the treatment/cream though and for prevention/maintenance. 🏷️ DON’TS

  15. When someone gives you the “cellulite is just toxins” or that “this cellulite treatment breaks down toxins” is a sure way to know they are ignorant. Cellulite is definitely not “toxins”, so look somewhere better to treat your cellulite. 🏷️ DON’TS

  16. Don’t waste your money on deep tissue massage for cellulite. As its name suggests DTM acts on deeper tissues (muscles, deep fascia, ligaments and tendons), not the skin, where cellulite lives. Go for a cellulite-specific massage instead. 🏷️ DON’TS

  17. Don’t waste time and money on coconut oil to reduce fat and cellulite - it has no chance in hell of doing so. Coconut oil does not reduce either fat or cellulite - do not fall for the crafty misinformation. 🏷️ DON’TS

  18. “Melt the fat“ and “break down the cellulite”: more phrases you don’t wanna hear. These phrases mean absolutely nothing. Learn the facts and focus on treatments that work and people who know what they are doing. 🏷️ DON’TS

  19. Don’t waste your money on cellulite leggings. They may cover cellulite and temporarily help drain some water but they don’t reduce cellulite. Plus they lead to skin looseness. 🏷️ DON’TS

  20. Go easy on so called “good fats”, they still carry 9 calories per gram. All fats carry 9 cals/g and increase fat and cellulite, so don’t overindulge in olive oil, avocado or nuts (the only exception to the rule being fish oil/oily fish) 🏷️ DON’TS

  21. Men don't get cellulite? Yes they do, if they have a lot of estrogen in their body, yo-yo diet, follow an unhealthy lifestyle or change gender. Learn the facts. 🏷️ DON’TS

  22. Treat honey (and agave syrup and brown sugar) the same as sugar: there is almost no difference. All those types of sugar still contain 99% pure fructose, sucrose or glucose and still cause insulin resistance, obesity and cellulite. 🏷️ DON’TS

  23. Mechanical massagers are good for circulation but they do nothing for cellulite. It’s better to opt for treatments that do work on fat and firmness instead, such as strong, deep acting RF/cavitation or manual cellulite massage, at least. 🏷️ DON’TS

  24. Fillers will not fill your cellulite, don’t botch your thighs. Look for a proper cellulite treatment that will actually treat the structure of cellulite, not temporarily fill a few dents. Filled cellulite dents actually look worse than before “filling”. 🏷️ DON’TS

  25. Never listen to celebrities and influencers, when it comes to cellulite reduction. Both celebs and influencers receive free treatments and/or get paid for their endorsement and are the least impartial sources of information. 🏷️ DON’TS

  26. Do not bother with lasers and LEDs, they just don’t work. The vast majority of laser and LED energy is spent heating the epidermis and the dermis. Cellulite, however, “lives” much deeper, in the hypodermis, and lasers and LEDs just don’t reach there. 🏷️ DON’TS

  27. Do not believe that celebrities do not have cellulite, because they do, quite often loads of it. They just hide it well with photoshop, lighting and body make up and control the flow of photos to the press - except when some pics are leaked. 🏷️ DON’TS

  28. Don’t waste money on those wildly expensive treatments for cellulite, even if you are billionaire. Throwing £3,500 on an one-off cellulite treatment will achieve nothing. Focus on 6-12 realistically priced treatments instead and if you want better results just have more such treatments, as opposed to one miraculous one. 🏷️ DON’TS

  29. If you are going to have one of those highly hyped electromagnetic stimulation (HIFEM) treatments for fat reduction / muscle building, prepare to have 10-20 of them, not 4. And they won’t do anything for cellulite, of course. 🏷️ DON’TS

  30. You don’t need to be full of bruises with cupping, it doesn’t work - at all. Cupping stretches the skin and breaks small veins, while being vastly inferior to plain hand cellulite massage at improving circulation or breaking down fibrosis. 🏷️ DON’TS

  31. Do not be afraid of sparkling water. It is not the fizz (i.e. carbon dioxide) in fizzy drinks that causes cellulite, it’s the sugar and sweeteners. 🏷️ DON’TS

  32. Be really skeptical of before and after photos, 95%+ of them are fake - especially the impressive ones. Most such pics make use of different light before and after, photoshop or other tricks. 🏷️ DON’TS

  33. Do you remember those ridiculous “anti-cellulite trainers”, which everyone wore in the 2000s and everyone laughs at now? Exactly. Many of the myths in this list will be remembered as such 10-20 years from now, so don’t fall for ridiculous claims. 🏷️ DON’TS

  34. Yet, still many people believe in those “caffeinated jeans and pants”. These are even more ridiculous than the coffee scrubbing in the myths above, so be careful what you believe on instagram and the internet. 🏷️ DON’TS

  35. Those tights with “ceramic fibres woven in them which emit infrared radiation to melt the fat” are even more wacky. They sound like such a bad joke and still some people still believe in those things today. Don’t be one of them… 🏷️ DON’TS

  36. Lastly - and thankfully - almost no one believes anymore one of those detox foot patches that “help the body rid of its toxins and cellulite”. That was really wacky, wasn’t it? Again, today’s coffee bean scrubbing and “one-off cellulite treatments” is exactly the same as the 2000s’ detox food patches, so be careful where you waste your money and hopes on. 🏷️ DON’TS

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Have a skin tightening/cellulite treatment in London with the experts

At LipoTherapeia we have specialised 100% in skin tightening and cellulite reduction for more than two decades and 20,000+ sessions.

This is all we study and practise every day and have researched and tried hands-on all the important skin tightening equipment and their manufacturers.

As strong, deep acting radiofrequency and deep-acting, high-power ultrasound cavitation are the technologies of choice for skin tightening and cellulite reduction, we have invested in the best RF/ultrasound technologies in the world.

Furthermore, over the last two decades we have developed advanced RF and cavitation treatment protocols in order to make the most of our technologies, for maximum results, naturally and safely.

And for even better, faster results, we now combine our RF/ultrasound treatments with high-power red/infrared light LED treatment.

Our radiofrequency/ultrasound/LED treatments are comfortable, pain-free, downtime-free, injection-free, microneedling-free, 99.5%+ safe and always non-invasive.

And our focus is on honest, realistic, science-based treatment, combined with caring, professional service, with a smile.

We will be pleased to see you, assess your cellulite, skin laxity or fibrosis, listen to your story, discuss your case and offer you the best possible treatment.

Learn more, check prices and book an expert cellulite / skin tightening treatment at our London clinic.

Advanced, infrared / blue / red light therapy treatments in London at LipoTherapeia

At LipoTherapeia we are passionate about phototherapy (also known as photobiomodulation/PBM, red light therapy, infrared light therapy, blue light therapy, LED light therapy etc) and we use the most powerful equipment available today (up to 200mW/cm2), for best results and treatment of large body areas.

We use specialised therapy protocols for skin rejuvenation / anti-ageing, pigmentation / post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH), moderate/severe acne, skin redness, sensitive/inflamed/irritated skin, wound healing, sports injuries / musculoskeletal pain and overall wellness / well-being.

Our LED phototherapy sessions are comfortable, deeply relaxing and super-safe and are great to enhance our radiofrequency/ultrasound treatments for skin tightening / cellulite reduction.

On our booking page you can book stand-alone phototherapy sessions or combine them with our other treatments, as an add-on.

Learn more or check prices and book an expert LED phototherapy treatment at our London clinic.

The Cellulite School™: Get advanced training in cellulite reduction and skin tightening

Do you want to deeply understand radiofrequency, ultrasound cavitation, LED phototherapy, cellulite and skin tightening?

Attend a half-day, 1-day, 2-day or 3-day one-to-one masterclass and confidently offer your clients the safest, strongest and most effective treatment possible.

Service available via Zoom or at our central London practice.

Learn more or check prices and book training at our London clinic or via Zoom.